from Hannah Michelle Bussa

Welcome to my Substack, a catch-all space for creativity and figuring it out.

I realize this isn’t the best way to brand myself, but I’ve always wandered down many paths. So for now, as I’m reconnecting with my creative side, I want to explore and allow my Substack to reflect more than one narrow side of me.

So hi! If you don’t know me, I’m a twenty-something figuring it out - or at least trying to - currently living in the Midwest.

I write about people leaving the Midwest, travel, disability justice, and whatever else may pop into my brain. I enjoy building community with others through my writing.

About this Substack

As I return to writing more frequently, I’m starting to consolidate my writings into one place, this Substack. Here are the current series:

Midwest Crisis

Midwest Crisis is a new project from Hannah Michelle Bussa. You’ve probably heard about “brain drain” if you live in Nebraska. If you haven’t, young people are leaving the state (a “Midwest Crisis,” if you will). While “brain drain” technically focuses specifically on college graduates moving away, others are leaving too - while others choose to stay. Join Hannah as she interviews individuals with various perspectives on their choices - to move and to stay - each week this spring. Subscribe and follow @hannahmichelleb on Instagram so you don’t miss a post!

If you’d like to be interviewed for this project, email!

To financially support the project: Venmo @hanmichelleb.

Solo Travels Series

Solo Travels is one of the series on the from Hannah Michelle Bussa Substack. As Hannah begins to embark on more solo travel journeys, she will share about her trips for those who may be interested in traveling more. Subscribe to see these posts, and follow @hannahmichelleb on Instagram for more travel-related content!

Have questions or topic suggestions? Email

As a note, Hannah is not being paid for any links included in this series.

Build Newsletter

Build is a monthly disability-centered newsletter working to answer the question Mariame Kaba wrote about in her book Let This Radicalize You: “What have you built?”

*While this project is currently on a separate Substack page, I plan to consolidate it into this Substack sometime in 2024.*

The Build newsletter also has a few reading groups that have formed out of it - if you are interested in plugging into the Let This Radicalize You reading group or the general disability-centered reading group, please email

Unlabeled Posts

Any other posts that are unlabeled (not starting with “Midwest Crisis: …” or “Solo Travels: …”) are currently not included in any series. These may vary by topic and be reflective pieces as I continue to be a twenty-something “figuring it out.”

This Substack is reader-supported. While all posts are currently free, a paid supporter option may be available in the future. For now, if you’d like to financially support this work, Venmo @hanmichelleb.

You can also support this writing by subscribing, sharing, and following @hannahmichelleb on Instagram.

Thank you for reading!

Subscribe to from Hannah Michelle Bussa

a catch-all space for creativity and figuring it out


Hannah is a twenty-something figuring it out - or at least trying to - while writing about people leaving the Midwest, travel, disability justice, and more. She can be found on Instagram at @hannahmichelleb.